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Radio Controlled Analog Clock Instructions. These instructions will work on all Atomic Clocks that have the four gray time zone buttons.25 May 2011
C) Another function: after pushing S3 to the “set time”or “set alarm time “mode, each push of the S4 button advances voice time one hour. ( ll ) INSTRUCTION: 1.
HOW TO SET YOUR TALKING WATCH – INSTRUCTIONS SHEET. For the YL Series and Tel-Time Talking Watches. The above diagram represents a watch
5 Jun 2012
The Tel-Time Talking Analog Watch allows you to hear the time at the press of a Follow “Set the Time” instructions as shown above and wait until the hands
SOURCE: How do I reset the time for the voice Tel Time M9908 watch? Just changed out the battery. Google (tel time)(M9908)(manual) without
If you haven’t got instructions on how to do this, you can get Secondly, after the watch enters the “Time Editting Mode”, press the “mode”
Press MODE once to return to Time-display mode. To Turn On/Off the Alarm and Snooze: In Time-display mode, to turn on the alarm, repeatedly press HOUR until you heard “di” and a bell appears. To turn on the snooze function, repeatedly press HOUR until you hear “di di” and “SNZ” appears.
Please note: these instructions refer to the model of this clock that has a completely on the front of the clock that displays the current time and assists with.