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Home Forums 08 august 2017 Evony age 2 bot guide ^839^

Evony age 2 bot guide ^839^

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    Learn the game rules of Evony and read the NeatBot guide and follow instructions carefully, drop into the NeatBot chat rooms, Learning to set NeatBot correctly and it is extremely difficult (I only say extremely because nothing is impossible) to lose a city where NeatBot is handling the defence, it is quite possible with NeatBot to join an





    So, what I need is a evony bot desinged specificaly for age 2. P.S. If you desire best answer please do not put un helpfull replies (such as don't use bots, bots are illegal to the game, ect.).
    Evony Beginners Guide: NPC attacks with Ballista Level One: 50 Ballista Level Two: 150-200 ballista Bellow are charts of both ballista needed for npc farming . Min Ballista (Based on Arch & Mil lvls belowl)* NPC HBR* Arch* 4 6. 5 7. 6 8. 8 9. 9
    Evony Bots – AutoEvony AutoEvony is another Evony Bot that has full support for both Evony Age 1 and Evony Age 2 online games. Basically, AutoEvony aims to provide a solution to automate all the uninteresting tasks that Evony wants us to do.
    This is a temporary goal and script reference for the RoboEvony bot. I’ll update it with all of the new goals and commands added to the bot as it is released. Write a description about your topic. Let your readers know what your topic is about and add some general information about it.
    Guide on how to farming Michelangelos Scripts in Evony. Scripts are necessary to build some essential buildings. But the advantage they really provide is level 10 barracks to build catapults.But it takes a lot of scripts and you have to try to get a few every week.
    Evony Bots – AutoEvony for Evony Age 1 and Evony Age 2 Evony Bots – AutoEvony AutoEvony is another Evony Bot that has full support for both Evony Age 1 and Evony Age 2 online games.
    Category: ADVANCED BOTTING From the robo evony wiki: “Abandon The bot by default heals your town so as to prevent your town from being captured whenever possible, even when you don’t ask it to. Evony Guides. Evon
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