Tutorial: Make a Rhythm Game in AS2 – Part 2. Written By Actually, we don’t really need a symbol for the combo counter, health bar, or the accuracy meter.
20 May 2009
15 Feb 2015 This will somewhat help you make an actual bar that displays how much HP you have like seen in lots of Pacthesis’ works. It can also be
We’re also going to make the health bar gain and lose parts when the user hits or misses the receptor. First of all, we need to define a score variable at the top of
One of them is the health bar, the second is the combo counter, the third is the players score, and the fourth is the word that tells the user how accurately they hit
Alright, so after some work and a lot of mistakes, I made a health bar for my game. (This is in Actionscript 2) Basically, the code is on my main.21 Feb 2013
29 Sep 2011 Source file available at: adf.ly/2xrNS. Welcome to Tutorial #4 on how to create a health bar in flash using AS2! We will will work with
Health bars and pre-loaders work essentially the same way (continue to the end of the tutorial to learn how to apply this to a pre-loader bar), and they come in
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