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Congo drug registration guidelines

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    Promoting and Ensuring Public Health through Regulatory Support in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Medicines Registration. Dem. Republic of the Congo. than 1,000 people who were hospitalized in a remote area of the country after suffering toxic effects from mislabeled drugs.





    The FDA exists to protect public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of human and veterinary drugs, food, biological products, cosmetics, medical devices, household chemical substances, tobacco and the conduct of clinical trials in the country.
    Department of Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy, WHO, organized a series of regional workshops on the regulation of traditional medicines. The first regional workshop, which was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 1 to 3 April 2003, reviewed and adopted the present set of guidelines on the registration of traditional medicines.
    The Regulatory Resources for Africa website has been made possible by a non-prescriptive grant by Innovative Pharmaceutical Association South Africa (IPASA). .
    Democratic Republic of the Congo The Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo signed an Action Plan with the United Nations to end and prevent the recruitment and use of children and sexual violence against children by the Forces Armees de la Republique democratique du Congo (FARDC), on 4 October 2012.
    These guidelines apply to all pharmaceutical products other than biological products, traditional medicinal products, diagnostic aids, medical appliances and public health chemicalsAll pharmaceutical products are registrable and must therefore be registered in Uganda before sale and distribution Looking for FDA Guidance, Compliance, & Regulatory Information? Web page provides quick links to a variety of topics including nicotine-containing products, human drug compounding, and the
    documents and guidelines for registration of medicines under the east african community medicines regulatory harmonization (
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