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Instructional techniques ppt ~925~

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    GTOT NCGM, 2015. Active learning methods and Instructional strategies. CDR (ret) Elizabeth Lape, US Joint Staff J7 MA Educ Admin, PhD Candidate Higher Ed
    Basic teaching formats, such as lectures and discussions, used to develop specific learning (Also called instructional methods and teaching strategies. 3.
    Though only active-status Instructors can teach certification courses, using effective instructional techniques engenders more effective leadership at all levels
    25 Apr 2016 Teaching techniques ppt. 1. Teaching Approach, Methods and Techniques Presented by Ayesha and Sidra; 2. Approach Method Technique; 3.
    30 Mar 2016 For Effective Teaching Techniques. projector Laboratory apparatuses Films PowerPoint presentations Videos and audio tapes; 29.
    Where, instructional methods are the instruments; When played alone they make sound When played together in tune, rhythm, and feeling, they become
    Instructional Methods. Secondary Learners. Factors that limit the extent of acquisition of secondary curriculum. Information and skills acquired at a slower rate.
    Instructional Techniques. Instructional Techniques. Basic Training . Do not make the lesson too busy, the saying “death by power point comes to mind”.
    ‘A good teaching system aligns teaching method and assessment to the learning activities stated in the objectives so that all aspects of this system are INEffective Teaching and Instructional Technique helpful in effective learning and effective training.

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