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1 Feb 2000 Reactive arthritis (ReA) is an infectious disease. A healthy but genetically predisposed individual develops it after a suitable triggering infection.
What is reactive arthritis? Reactive arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation, pain and swelling of the joints. It usually develops after an infection, often in30 Apr 2017 management of sexually acquired reactive arthritis. EM Carlin1, JM Ziza2, A Keat3 and M Janier4. Introduction. This guideline is for the use of
Patients may give a history of an antecedent genitourinary or dysenteric infection 1 to 4 weeks before the onset of arthritis. Presenting features include systemic
The late stage of reactive arthritis is considered chronic. Chronic reactive arthritis may require treatment with a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (sometimes called a DMARD) such as sulfasalazine or methotrexate. Talk to your physician about what to expect from treatment with NSAIDs and DMARDs.
6 Dec 2018 Reactive arthritis (ReA), formerly known as Reiter syndrome, is an used to treat the underlying infection, but specific treatment guidelines for
Two other common symptoms of reactive arthritis are inflammation of the urinary . Several groups have published diagnostic guidelines for reactive arthritis.
There are two main forms of reactive arthritis (ReA): postvenereal and postdysentery. Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) is the major causative organism of the
Reactive arthritis guidelines, diagnosis, treatment options, and images at Epocrates Online, the leading provider of drug and disease decision support tools.
31 May 2018 Carlin EM, Ziza JM, Keat A, Janier M. 2014 European Guideline on the management of sexually acquired reactive arthritis. Int J STD AIDS 2014