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–Wegner Goldin Church Turing Thesis
The Church–Turing Thesis – uconn cse –Turing thesis only refers to the computation of functions, and specifically excludes It is a myth that the original Church–Turing thesis is equivalent to this interpreation of it; Turing . . Wegner Weg97, Weg98 has conjectured that interactive models of . GSAS04 D. Goldin, S. Smolka, P. Attie, E. Sonderegger. Refuting the Strong Church–Turing Thesis: the Interactive – uconn cse –Turing Thesis in a way that Turing never Wegner). URLs: www . cse . uconn. edu/ dqg (Dina Goldin) , www . cs . brown nbsp; The Church–Turing Thesis: Breaking the Myth SpringerLink –Turing Thesis: Breaking the Myth Dina Goldin; Peter Wegner Yet Turing 39;s original thesis only refers to the computation of functions and explicitly nbsp; The Interactive Nature of Computing: Refuting the Strong Church Email author; Peter Wegner Interactive computation Church Turing Thesis Turing Machines Strong Church Turing Thesis Persistent Turing nbsp; Can Turing machines capture everything we can compute? – arXiv Wegner and Dina Goldin advance the thesis that: (iii) the Church–Turing Thesis equated logic, lambda calculus, Turing machines, . Computation Beyond Turing Machines Peter Wegner, Brown , Brown University. Dina Goldin, U. of Connecticut. 1. the Church–Turing thesis contradicted Turing 39;s assertion that Turing machines could only nbsp; 1 The Turing Thesis myth – Semantic Scholar the Turing Thesis Myth. Dina Goldin Peter Wegner. Computer of what we call the Turing Thesis myth, which extends the Turing Thesis to imply that Turing. Machines ematicians as Godel, Kleene, Church, and Turing. WHAT IS HYPERCOMPUTATION? Philosophy of Computer Science Goldin, Dina; amp; Wegner, Peter (2008), quot;The Interactive Nature of Computing: Refuting the Strong Church–Turing Thesis quot;, Minds and Machines nbsp; Church Turing thesis – Wikipedia Turing thesis is a hypothesis about the nature of . . Eugene Eberbach and Peter Wegner claim that the Church Turing thesis is sometimes interpreted too . . Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid. Shtetl-Optimized Blog Archive The Toaster-Enhanced Turing To clarify, the Church–Turing Thesis is not the claim that TURING . . folks like Wegner and Goldin are carrying on the intellectual legacy of his nbsp;
Turing machines, transition systems, and interaction – ScienceDirect
1 : D. Goldin, S. Smolka, P. Wegner, Turing machines, transition systems, Church 39;s thesis still holds: some notes on Peter Wegner 39;s tracts on nbsp; Significance of Models of Computation, from Turing Model to Natural 1988, Goldin et al. 2006) allows . fact, the Church–Turing thesis has long served as a definition for computation. The Church–Turing Thesis – Bibliography – PhilPapers –Turing Thesis. . . REVIEW Dina Goldin amp; Peter Wegner – 2008 – Minds and Machines 18 (1):tails. Turing machines, transition systems, and interaction – ResearchGate ) was one of his last Ph. D. students, a paper on a Wegner 4, 5 has conjectured that interactive models of computation are more expressive . In an analogous fashion to the Church–Turing Thesis, . New Models of Computation Turing thesis was adopted in the . . 8 Wegner, P. and Goldin, D. (2003) Computation beyond Turing. Machines: nbsp; Peter Wegner, Why interaction is more powerful – ACM Digital Library , Peter Wegner, The church–turing thesis: breaking the myth, nbsp; The Church–Turing Thesis: Breaking the Myth Lambda the Ultimate –Turing Thesis: Whenever there is an effective method (algorithm) for A related paper by one of the same authors (Dina Goldin) was bit of the quot;interactive computing quot; literature promulgated by Wegner and his nbsp; Are There New Models of Computation? Reply to Wegner and Eberbach –Turing Thesis that all notions of computability Until now, the Church–Turing Thesis Wegner and Goldin Persistent TMs allow a machine to retain nbsp; dblp: Peter Wegner List of computer science publications by Peter Wegner. The Church–Turing Thesis: Breaking the Myth. . Peter Wegner, Dina Q. Goldin: dblp: Peter Wegner List of computer science publications by Peter Wegner. The Church–Turing Thesis: Breaking the Myth. . Peter Wegner, Dina Q. Goldin: Hopcroft and Ullman Dijkstra 39;s Rallying Cry for Generalization Physical Hypercomputation and the Church–Turing Thesis. Minds and Machines 14 P. Wegner and D. Q. Goldin. Computation beyond nbsp;
Cockshott, P. and Michaelson, G. (2007) Are there new models of
Church–Turing Thesis that all notions of computability will be . . Wegner and Goldin Persistent TMs allow a machine to retain data on a tape so nbsp; Zeno machines and hypercomputation – Core Turing Thesis; Zeno machine; Accelerated Turing . . believers in the obsolescence of the CTT such as Goldin and Wegner 22 agree with nbsp; Biological Hypercomputation: A New Research – Wiley Online Library Turing thesis (CTt) 2 . Eberbach, E. ; Goldin, D. ; Wegner, P. Turing 39;s ideas and models of computation. In: Alan Syropoulos, A. Hypercomputation: Computing Beyond the Church–Turing Barrier; Springer: New York, 2008. Church–Turing Thesis — from Wolfram MathWorld –Turing thesis encompasses more kinds of computations than those originally envisioned, such as those involving cellular automata, combinators, nbsp; Turing-Post Relativized Computability – Department of Computer 5. 6 The Post-Turing Thesis . 11. 3 Kleene Dropped Thesis I for Church 39;s thesis . . . . . . . 49 In Goldin-Smolka-Wegner a chapter by Yuri. Super-Turing or Non-Turing? Extending the Concept of – UTK-EECS –Turing thesis, natural computa- It is important to remember that Turing-Church (TC) computation is a model of computation, and 6 E. Eberbach, D. Goldin, and P. Wegner. (2003). Turing 39;s Titanic machine? – School of Mathematics – University of Leeds , P. and Goldin, D. The Church–Turing Thesis:. Emergence as a Computability-Theoretic Phenomenon – School of Since the time of Turing, computability as a concept has hardened, 24 D. Goldin and P. Wegner, The Church–Turing Thesis: Breaking the nbsp; The Turing Machine Paradigm in Contemporary Computing –Turing thesis (cf. 12 , 37 ). Even . sion of Wegner 39;s views from the viewpoint of computability theory was. given in 31 nbsp;
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