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download.txt – Wouxun software downloading from radio (278.2 kB) Ron Wellsted, I have recently purchased the KG-UV950PL (European version with it looks like the radio/software transfers 4 memory slots at a time and seems to use 16
27 Jul 2014
With the Wouxun KG-UV8D the process was much more complicated as this involved using serial software inorder to determine the protocol for the data transfer. I have made some attempts at getting the Wouxun KG-UV950PL to work with
wouxun programming software. woxun download, KG-UV950P User Manual. FILE SIZE, RELATED INFORMATION, UPDATE TIME. 29,774KB, No Content
26 Apr 2014
Programming software for Baofeng & Wouxun 2 way Radios. KG-UV Commander by Jim Mitchell Free programming software for the Wouxun dual band radiosThanks for buying the GwOUXun KG-UV950P mobile radio. »All of the above advice is suited to the use of your wOUXUn mobile radio and its accessories.
KG-UV950P Programming Software for editing memory channels and menu settings and USB-W5R Cable for transferring the data to and from the radio. Wouxun KG-UV950P and KG-UV950PL mobile amateur radio. Click here for more
28 May 2015 The Wouxun KV-UG950P quad-band FM mobile rig was reviewed in RadCom recently. The supplied manual is actually for the version with 10m at the . If it was possible to transfer the memory channel settings to vfo with . to include your chosen frequencies, and not the ‘wouxun.kg’ file that comes with.
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