Christiania E-Learning

Hangouts 32-Bit

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Hangouts is an instant messaging service with Google video. Available through Google+, Gmail and Android and Android, but also through Estyn Extensions that allows you to communicate directly with your connections from Windows (work () {(‘app-page-desktop-desktop’);} );

Messages and video

Hangouts is a platform for instant messaging and all common functions are a good message. After you log in to your Google account, you can post, print and emoffy your contact us chat or group directly.

Arfor video conferencing work you can make video calls up to 10 people at the same time, irrespective of which device is connected. Connecting apps such as YouTube and Google Drive, with sounds and visual effects, gives you some fun during the conversation.

Only cell

After installing, you can open Hangouts from Google Chrome on the right-hand corner of the screen on the Windows worksheet. When not used, Windows can reduce it on the system tray.

The connection of Hangouts is uncertain and a bitmost important to consider: talk. The main window shows your contacts list and the search engine only so you can get it fast. For video calls, a great window opens with access to all software and video-related features.

Everything you need

Hangouts is a perfect extension if you have a number of addresses and services. It has everything we can communicate easily with friends, with bonus features and the best video clips.The only restrictions are that you can not make a simple voice call and Chrome should be open to Hangouts at all times.

September 2, 2018

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