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RealTimes creates slide shows that automatically display your photos and videos. Easy to use application with cloud video. Despite the fact that it works, you can use photos and video clips and much more.
Do something with photos (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’)}};
RealTimestries to solve the problem by releasing photos and videos recorded on your phone or computer. We take a lot of pictures with our phones, but do you share these photos?
RealTimes Take a pride in taking photos and videos to share with your friends. applicationUse the real-time procedure to select the best person to scan your image. The images are bare, dark or dark over the slideshow, so they are the best. How to work the most, but it improves your page, except for very good shots.Fortunately, you can add it yourself. RealTimes If you do not like what you are doing first, you can click the “Link” button for a random game.
The application also has filters for video, but it’s scary. Your filters from Instagram or VSCO Cam help you add ads before creating RealTimesStories.
Social network RealTimes is still available. Your friends and relatives will be notified when you add photos, videos or stories. Fortunately, RealTimes does not force users to register. RealTimes stories You can also share your friendship. SharingFacebook will appear as a buried video recorded during your friend.
During my test, the History created by RealTimes worked well on my device. Video does not need to be exported to any file format. The application automatically changes the video using RealPlayer technology.
itgreat RealTimes for analyzing your photos and videos, forget them to include This improves your pleasure and success with your friends to restore your image.
Free, but best used with reservations
RealTimesIs free and 2 GB of free cloud storage and 30 secondstories. Users can get more than 5 GB of data for an automatic application. This function automatically downloads images and videos, automatically downloading and listening to stories. You can convert texts before sharing, adding your songs,changing effects, changing images and video.
Subscriptions will be saved and more features. Monthly subscription is 25 GB per month to $ 5 per month, while you get unlimited storage per month for $ 10 per month. Members can also create more stories.
Forthose who do not want to pay for it every month, there are purchases of the application $ 1, which opens the possibility to add more photos, change music and delete Watermark RealTimes. Without redundancy, it unlocks everything like it, but it gives you more options.
Speaking of music, In musicThe app has tons of music, but you can add your own music. You can also call your video for your own touch. During my tests, when Android RealTimes tried to add its own music, it failed, but I used the versionbefore release.
Another problem that I found is a longer story than a long time for export.30 I created a one minute story for more than 30 minutes to export my iPad.
An easy way to organize your photos and videos
RealTimes helps to create complexity if you managewith its complexity on the computer, your tablet or phone, it works fine. If you want RealTimes to be your social approach. If you share photos and videos that you share with your friends on Facebook, RealTimes does work. If you are an individual and are often looking foryour photos, if you do not, the Best offered by RealTimes will not bring you. Google + has a similar function for its users, and RealTimes pays for registration.
Automatically share images and share your videos and shareuse, RealTimes helps Social butterflies share their content without any work. You do not need to worry about touching each image or sharing your album.
If your photos and videos are in it, and I do not know,what to do with them, RealTimes This is an excellent tool for organizing and sharing.
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